Der Vogel - A tribute to Friedemann Vogel from Volker Schlöndorff in Tanz Magazine
Simply: The Vogel
The principal dancer of the Stuttgart Ballet Friedemann Vogel is honoured for his outstanding art of interpretation. A tribute from Volker Schlöndorff in the October issue of Tanz Magazine
“Why do only the prima ballerinas have the privilege of being awarded an article of uniqueness? Well, “the” Pavlova, but not “the” Nijinsky. Otherwise, I would like to say: “the” Bird, in all its ambiguity, because “the” Vogel (bird) flies. Friedemann is a beautifully iridescent bird in dance. Through training from childhood on and through conscious work in adult life, he has created a sculpture from the anatomy and muscle mass given to all of us. Praxiteles himself could not have done it better. And this harmonious structure even moves, which the ancient artist could only have dreamt of.”
Photo of Friedemann Vogel ©Yoon6photo