Brian Lobel celebrates the 10th anniversary of "Purge"
Brian Lobel performing Purge ©Christa Holka
Part game show, part love story, part lecture exploring modern friendships.
In a more innocent time, before Covid, before Cambridge Analytica, before "friend" became synonymous with "follower" and followers were cult members... before instagram even... a wide-eyed Brian Lobel infuriated his 1342 Facebook Friends with The Purge. Brian talked about each Facebook friend for one minute, after which time a jury of strangers decided whether he should "keep" or "delete" them. The deleting was real, the pace maniacal and the decisions final.
On the 10th anniversary of Purge, Brian revisits the world's most brutal game of friendship maintenance to see how we've changed, how we've not, and how this love-hate relationship with social media is ever-evolving, in this interactive lecture performance.
Watch this space for more details!