Ballet star Friedemann Vogel and photographer Oliver Kröning raise nearly 10000 Euros for the Olgäle Stiftung (Foundation for Sick Children) from "Physical Conversation"
Congratulations to ballet star Friedemann Vogel and photographer Oliver Kröning of Galerie Kernweine who raised over 9000 euros for the Olgäle Stiftung (the largest clinic for children in Germany) with their collaboration “Physical Conversation” - collectively from the limited-edition art box which sold out last year and the online auction of selected works from the exhibition at the StadtPalais - Museum for Stuttgart!
The artists Friedemann Vogel and Oliver Kröning with Dr. Stefanie Schuster, President of the Olgäle Stiftung celebrating the successful fundraising from the “Physical Conversation” campaign
Friedemann Vogel, Oliver Kröning, Dr Torben Giese (Director of the StadtPalais - Museum for Stuttgart) and Dr. Stefanie Schuster, President of the Olgäle Stiftung celebrating the successful fundraising project at the exhibition closure of “Physical Conversation”
Friedemann Vogel and Oliver Kröning at the exhibition vernissage